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How long have Jurgens Ci been manufacturing trailers?

The first trailers were built 60 years ago, but Steelworx has been manufacturing since 2008.

Where is the Jurgens factory?

The factory is situated west of Pretoria in the former Homeland of Garankuwa.

Do the trailer and caravan factories share facilities?

No. They have their own staff, R&D and factory facilities.

Do workers from the caravan factory move to the trailer factory and vice versa?

No. The techniques for building the two are totally different.

How long does it take to build a Jurgens Trailer from scratch?

4,5 hours including the E-coat paint process.

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About Jurgens Trailers

The first Jurgens trailer was manufactured some 60 years ago at the first Jurgens factory in Germiston. As Jurgens got more and more into the manufacture of caravans, trailer building became secondary until Steelworx a division of Jurgens Ci was formed in 2007. In four short years thereafter the Jurgens trailer range became the best selling range in South Africa and the leader in overall sales.

Steelworx has a large Research and Development department that constantly monitors customer input and the latest world-wide trends. The factory, while it shares the same site as the caravan factory is a totally separate facility. Steelworx currently employs 391 people, mostly from the Garankuwa area.

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